Give expression to what you want to move in this world!

Grafic Designer Janina


My name is Janina and I really love to create


logos and posters or websites!

Maybe soon also for you?

I am lateral entry employee and self-educator eager to inspire and design for:


small businesses,


associacions and


who want to become selfemployed

How do I work?

unconventional, creative, openminded.

Imagination is more important than knowledge,

because knowledge is limited."

Albert Einstein


Different to educated communication designer (m/f/they), who work on an hourly basis, I want to offer my service for a fix rate. A charge, you yourself can choose! Whis this possibility I want to offer you a form of security to know, that prices will not explode. Maybe you are on the beginning of your enterprising activity and you can not (yet) invest a lot of many in advance?

Since my time and energy is not endless, but also worthful, I will write the time, that I needed for your project, to visualize the value of your project. You decide, what the final works earns.


flyer, poster, notepaper,


You decide!

65 € - 650 €


i.e. "Corporate Identity"

(idea, draft,


You decide!

650 € - 2.900 €

Full Package:

Creating of the Corporate Identity, printproducts;

maybe website

You decide!

950 € - 4.900 €



1) We talk about your idea and the technical details.

2) Together we gather ideas or you send me works, that you like.

(Thus I get an idea of the aesthetics and the style you like)

3) I start working and send 3-5 drafts to you.

4) You choose your favourite, on which I work until the final version.


I recommend you to be at my side at the beginning of the process. Together we set layout, colours and the structure. Is this fixed, I take over the rest of the composition with the content you sent me before. In the end I explain to you the basics of the modular system, so that you can make small changes by yourself.

By the way I work with the provider "", with which I made really good experiences the past years.

What I don`t offer:

1) legal consulting (concerning the GDPR)

2) creation of content in social media context

3) SEO-optimization

Blinking Janina / Grafic Design in Cologne

I love:







Walking through forests.

René Magritte.



Are you interested in creating a project with a lot of heart and creativity?

Then don`t hesitate to contact me!

I am looking forward to getting to know you and your ideas!

Printworks (flyer, posters, paper, business cards)
Full package (creation of the CI (corporate identity), printworks, website)

`Everybody said:

"That`s not possible."

Someone came along, who didn`t know that & just did it!`